Thursday, December 16, 2010

Swim 4 Fitness Workout for Dec 16

w/u: 200 Free

Main Set:
6 x 100 @ T-pace (20”)
-- 2:00 rest --
6 x 75 @ T-pace (20”)
-- 2:00 rest --
6 x 50 @ T-pace (20”)
6 x 25 moderate (20”)

c/d: 200 Free
Total = 1900 yds

Sunday, December 12, 2010

Sunday 12/12 Classes

I will not be able to make it to the RecPlex this morning for classes due to the weather. We will reschedule.

TRI SWIM class - if you do go this morning practice skate position, double over-switches, and then several laps to build endurance.

TRI BRICK - I will ask the fitness desk to put on a virtual cycling DVD for you.

For both classes you can attend Thursday classes as make up if desired.

Coach Ken

Thursday, December 09, 2010

Swim 4 Fitness workout for Dec 9

200 Free
100 Kick
4 x 50 Build (RI: 15”)
200 Pull

Main Set
300 Pull (20”)
4 x 50 Fast (15”)
300 Pull (20”)
2 x 50 Fast (15”)
300 Pull N/S (20”)
2 x 50 Fast (15”)

c/d: 100 Free
Total = 2100 yds

Swim 4 Fitness workout from Dec 2

w/u: 200 Free, 100 Kick

Main Set:
2 or 3 x
200 Pull N/S (RI: 30”)
3 x 100 DESC (RI: 15”)
300 Free
c/d: 100 free

Total = 1700-2200 yds

Friday, November 19, 2010

RecPlex Classes, Nov 21 thru 28

RecPlex class schedule for the next week and a half:
  • No classes on Sunday, Nov 21 due to Turkey Triathlon.  Make-up classes will be the same time on Sunday, Nov 28.
  • No classes on Thanksgiving Day, Thursday, Nov 25.
  • "Demo" classes at the RecPlex Nov 24-28 -- schedule here.  Free to members, non-members $5 per class or unlimited classes for $15.

Swim 4 Fitness Review Notes (11/18)

From Nov 18 class:
  • Review Skate Postion
  • Double Switch
  • Kicking with Kickboard, side position

Thursday, November 18, 2010

Swim 4 Fitness workout for Nov 18

w/u: 200 Free

Main Set:
2 x 800 by 100s (RI: 15”) as:
1-4 Build
5 Fast
6 Easy
7 Fast
8 Easy

1:00 rest between sets
400 Pull

c/d: 100 free
Total = 2300 yds

Friday, November 12, 2010

No classes on Sunday, November 14


No Tri Swim Clinic and No Tri Brick Class on Sunday, November 14 at the RecPlex.
Make-up class is Sunday, November 28.

Swim 4 Fitness Review Notes

From 11/11 Class:
  • Thumb scrape drill
  • Fingertip drag drill
  • Focus on inserting hand near the head
  • Focus on arm extension: r-e-a-c-h toward the end of the lane
  • Hands entering at 11:00 and 1:00
  • Catch not crossing center of body

Thursday, November 11, 2010

Swim 4 Fitness workout for Nov 11

W/U: 300 Free, 8 x 75 Pull (RI: 15")
Main Set:
300 Easy (30")
3 x 75 Fast (30")
75 Easy (20")
2 x 75 Fast (30")
75 Easy (20")
75 Fast (30")
C/D: 100
Total Yards: 1900

Swim 4 Fitness Review Notes

Review Notes from last session:
  • Skate
  • Skate with Overswitch
  • Swim + Swim with Pullbuoy
  • Arm Extension / Front Quadrant Swimming
  • Hand Entry near head
  • 11:00 and 1:00 arm entries

Wednesday, November 03, 2010

Help Preserve College Swimming!

Help Preserve College Swimming for When YOU  (or your child) Goes to College!

It’s no secret that college swimming has been “under the gun” due to college budget cuts in recent decades.

We want to let NCAA Division I Presidents/Chancellors and Athletic Directors know that there is a large, vibrant, energetic and committed swimming community in the USA that appreciates the fact that THEIR University has kept swimming alive and well at their institutions.

AND let them know that we want them to continue that support, and that our Children will consider attending Universities that allow them to continue their swimming excellence during their college years.

During the time period Nov. 15, 2010 through Dec. 30, 2010, won’t you take a few minutes and write a letter or send an email to the President and Athletic Director of the institution of your choice. (or more than one if you’d like!) and say THANK YOU for their support of swimming and let them know that the tuition dollars of you or your child will flow towards the institutions that keep swimming opportunities alive.

You can find the email and mailing addresses of EVERY NCAA Division I institution in the country on the American Swimming Coaches Association website at

Letters from young swimmers are particularly appreciated!  How about your swimmer (s) sits down today and does something to preserve their own future opportunities?

All the Best, John Leonard, American Swimming Coaches Association

Swim 4 Fitness workout for Nov 4

WU: 4 x 100 swim done as 50 kick, 50 Freestyle.

Main Set: (Rest Intervals are in seconds within parentheses):
  • 50 (15”) - EZ with good technique (Zones 1-2)
  • 100 (30”) - Moderate pace (T-pace + 5 seconds)
  • 200 (40”) - EZ with good technique (Zones 1-2)
  • 300 (60”) - Moderate pace (T-pace + 5 seconds)
  • 200 (40”) - EZ with good technique (Zones 1-2)
  • 100 (30”) - Moderate pace (T-pace + 5 seconds)
  • 50 - EZ with good technique (Zones 1-2)
CD: Easy combination of Kick and Freestyle for 10 minutes.
Total: 1900

Thursday, October 21, 2010

BOO!! 3-Fitness October Newsletter #2

Triathlon & Fitness Classes start Oct 28: Okay, we've all rested up from the summer. Time to start training again!

Thursday, October 14, 2010

Swim 4 Fitness points from Oct 14 Class

Swimming on Side/Side Kick
  • Down arm extended
  • Up arm on side, hand on thigh
  • Head align with spine; roll to get breath
  1. Swim 6 kicks
  2. Extended arm does pull, body rotates to other side
  3. Switch lead hands
  4. Repeat
  • Key point: do not lift head, just roll to other side
Side Kick, Sailboat Drill
  1. Start swimming on side
  2. Up arm moves forward, elbow up, hand about 1" above water
  3. Arm forms a "Sail Shape" above the water
  4. Swim 6 kicks
  5. Complete stroke: Up arm enters water, lead hand catches, rotate to the other side
  6. Repeat
  • Important: elbow in front of ear so weight shifts forward, otherwise you may sink straight downward
Other Drills
  • Fingertip Drag
  • Thumb scrape
  • Swim with Fists (emphasis on forearms in pull)

Wednesday, October 13, 2010

Swim 4 Fitness workout for Oct 14

W/U: 200 Freestyle

Main Set: 
200 @ T-Pace + :05 (RI 30")
3 X 100 @ T-Pace (RI 15")
1:00 Rest
6 x 50 Odd Easy, Even Fast (RI 20")

C/D: 100 Free

Thursday, October 07, 2010

Swim 4 Fitness - points for week of Oct 10

Focus points for swimming on your side:
  • Fixed head with waterline at goggles
  • Upper arm relaxed on thigh
  • Head down, nose pointed toward bottom, crown of head pointed toward end of lane until you roll to breathe
Focus points for Freestyle swimming:
  • Elbow high, pointed toward ceiling
  • Hand enters by head
  • Arm extends underwater, below the head
  • Extend arm toward end of pool through fingertips
  • Front Quad swimming - hands pass in front of head
  • Extended arm doesn't catch until you see the other hand in front of face
  • 12-12: swim on side 12 kicks, one stroke to other side, swim for 12 kicks
  • Fingertip Drag - just skimming water
  • Thumb scrape - along side as arm recovers
  • Hand - Wrist - Elbow: walk forward with correct arm strokes, fall into water and begin swimming full freestyle strokes
  • Closed Fist

Tuesday, October 05, 2010

Swim 4 Fitness workout for Oct 7

Swim Time Trial (Sprint):

Warm up for 10-20 minutes, then
  1. Swim 3 x 100, with 20 second Rest Interval. Goal is to swim the highest sustained speed over all three 100s, so you have to pace yourself.
  2. Get your time for each 100. The times for each 100 should be within 5-10 seconds of each other.
  3. Average the three times.
This is your T-pace, which is used for speed work (e.g., swim 2 x 200 @ T + 2 seconds).

Monday, October 04, 2010

Swim 4 Fitness - points for week of Oct 4

Review of Body Position
  • Hands & Arms above the head
  • Head down on chest
  • Press the Buoy (press chest down - swimming downhill)
Stroke Correction
  • Front Quadrant Swimming - hands cross in front of head
  • 12-12 Drill: Swim 12 kicks each side -- lower arm extended, shoulders and hips stacked (perpendicular to bottom of pool)
  • Elbow up: elbow high, hand down, as arm comes forward -- "marionette string" pulls the elbow up
  • Fingertip Drag Drill: drag fingertips in the water as the hand comes forward
  • Thumb Scrape Drill: scrape the thumb against your side as the hand comes forward

Thursday, September 30, 2010

Bike Ride in Kenosha County this Sunday

Enjoy the fall colors just across the Wisconsin border at the “Fall Wheel Ride” in Kenosha County. Sponsored by Kenosha County Executive Jim Kreuser and Kenosha County Parks, three distances are available for bike riders of all abilities.

All routes converge at Petrifying Springs Park, Pavilion 1, where snacks (including hot apple cider!), safety checks and tips, and bike-related activities and education will be provided from 10am until Noon.

Read More at Chicago Wellness Examiner...

Tuesday, September 28, 2010

Swim 4 Fitness Workout for Sep 30

Warm-Up: 100 Free

Main Set:

200 Moderate, RI:20"
100 Moderate, RI:20"
100 Negative Split, RI:25"
50 Negative Split, RI:25"
100 Fast, RI:30"
6 x 100 Pull, RI:25"
Cool-Down: 100 Free

Sunday, September 26, 2010

Swim 4 Fitness - points for week of 9/27

A review of the points we covered last Thursday for practice this week:

Body Position
  • Hands and arms overhead as much as possible in a streamlined position.
  • Head down - lower the head by placing chin closer to your chest.
  • "Press the Buoy" - press the lungs/check downward (swimming "downhill")
  • Easier kick to keep the hips high
  • Imagine a steel pipe through the top of your head, through the neck, and down the spine; everything moves as one unit
  • Roll the entire body to breathe; don't lift or turn your head to breathe (remember the idea your belly button is a blowhole - you turn it to breathe)
Front Quadrant Swimming
  • Hands cross in front of the head
  • Arm goes into the water and e-x-t-e-n-d-s forward; Reach and Glide!
  • Remember reaching the arm forward underwater helps turn your body to the side
  • Arm stays extended until the other arm enters the water, so they cross above your head
  • Use your peripheral vision to see the hand enter the water by your head, and make sure the other hand is still forward
See you Thursday.

Tuesday, September 07, 2010

Swim 4 Fitness begins Sept 16

Quick update: the Swim 4 Fitness class begins next Thursday, September 16, 6-7pm.

Triathlon Cycling begins this Thursday, September 9, 7:15-8:15pm.

Thursday, August 19, 2010

Danskin Triathlon Final Race Details

Couple of minor changes:
  • Bike racking on Saturday will close at 4:30pm. Registration closes at 3pm, so this shouldn’t be an issue.
  • All the parking information will refer to “the Shoppes at Prairie Ridge” – this is at the Target shopping center on Hwy 50. Target has asked for no parking in their part of the parking lot, hence the name change. You can park anywhere in that complex, but just not in front of the Target.

Swim: as usual, beach to RecPlex parking lot (transition). Don’t forget the lake swim on Saturday morning.

Bike: the “east” route. Green Bay Road, Springbrook, 39th, 93rd, Old Green Bay, etc.

Run: Note that the run course and finish line shown on Danskin’s web site is wrong. Correct details:
  • It is an out and back course – out on the road, back on the path.
  • Run out is the south parking lot entrance – the one with the gates.
  • Exit transition to Terwall Terrace, and follow the road around the lake to the end at Hwy H.
  • Double-back on the road, and at the boat launch enter the path.
  • Run back south on the path (toward the beach).
  • Follow the path to the finish line, which is at the south end of the lake, just east of the flagpoles.
  • Map from the race director here (this is from 2009, but it’s the same course).

Main Parking: Updated information is on the Danksin site under Directions/Parking.
  • Main parking on Sunday is at the “Shoppes at Prairie Ridge” (Target shopping center) on Hwy 50. Buses run from 4am until about 1pm.
  • Athletes have priority on the buses.
  • Bikes are not allowed on buses after the race, and strollers are not recommended.
  • After the race, you can ride your bike up Hwy H back to the “Shoppes at Prairie Ridge”.

Race Day Park/Ride: on Sunday, you can park at the Prime Outlet Mall (Hwy 165 and I-94), and ride your bike to the RecPlex. But there are no buses from this location. If spectators are with you, they must walk to and from the RecPlex – about 1.5 miles. It’s a great option for athletes, not so much for spectators.

Transition on Race Day: Opens at 4:30am, closes at 6:30am. During the morning the transition will open at some point for those who have finished racing so you can get your bike out. You’ll have to enter and exit the transition area on the lake side so you don’t interfere with those still racing. The race announcer will say when transition is opening.

Any last minute changes will be posted here, so keep an eye on the blog Friday and Saturday.

Good luck everyone. I’ll see you at the swim start.

Wednesday, August 18, 2010

Swim Across Lake Andrea this Saturday - Pre-Danskin

We will be offering a swim across Lake Andrea on Saturday morning, August 21. There will be two start times: 7am and 8am. Registration will be $10 pre-registration and $15 day-of-registration. This swim is not timed, but we will have a pace clock on the other side of the lake which should give you an approximate time if you’re interested.

Note: there will be two guards following the group in kayaks, but there won’t be the full compliment of lifeguards as there are during the races. The platforms will not be completely in place on Saturday morning. Please keep this in mind if you’re nervous about the swim.

Registration Information:
Register at
Session: Events & Programs: 2010
Category: Aquatic Training
Course: Open Water Swim Course
12428-07 – 7am Start
12428-08 – 8am Start

Sunday, August 15, 2010

Danskin Bike Ride @ 1pm

I have a small Danskin Overview & Bike Ride clinic this afternoon at 1pm. Any class members who ' like to join us is welcome. Meet at beach.

Coach Ken
Sent from my Verizon Wireless BlackBerry

Saturday, August 07, 2010

Danskin Triathlon Training - classes for August 8

Reminder:  both classes will be meeting together tomorrow morning for a brick.

7:00-7:30am – optional swim
7:30am – meet at the beach with bike and run gear
7:45am – bike ride of Danskin route. Quick transition to run down/back to boat launch or around the lake.

Friday, August 06, 2010

Danskin Triathlon Prep Camp

The Danskin Prep Camp on August 7 has been changed to a half-day format, 7:00am until Noon.  Those who previously registered will get a half-free refund.

  • 7:00am - camp start
  • 7:30 - bike ride of Danskin course
  • 9:00 - review of transition, swim, and run course
  • 9:30 - open water swim
  • 10:30 - race simulation (swim + bike + run)
  • 12:00 - camp concludes

Wednesday, August 04, 2010

Lake Andrea Lap Lane is back!

The lap lane at Lake Andrea is back to the June distance - 6 laps to a half mile!

Tuesday, August 03, 2010

Danskin Open Water Swim Workouts begin Tonight

Practice your open water swim skills on the three Tuesdays before the Danskin Triathlon.

Tuesdays, August 3 to 17
Lake Andrea Beach
Code: 22359-23
$25 RecPlex members / $35 non-members

Register online at, or at the Guest Services Desk at the RecPlex. If you register today (Tuesday, Aug 3), please bring your receipt to the class.

Thursday, July 22, 2010

Danskin Triathlon Training, July 25

Danskin Intermediate and Trek to Danskin classes
  • 7:00am, Lake Andrea Beach
  • Workout changed to Brick: west route ride, run around lake
Danskin Beginner class
  • 9:30am, Lake Andrea Beach
  • Brick: ride of Danskin route (east), run around lake
  • Come a little early if you'd like to do an optional swim

Saturday, July 17, 2010

Lake Andrea Lap Lane being shortened

I found out today that the lap lane at Lake Andrea is going to be shortened again. This is required by the insurance/risk management company, and unfortunately the RecPlex doesn’t have any choice in the matter.

I don’t know the new distance, because it’s probably going to be shortened today or tomorrow. When it is done, I’ll re-GPS it and give everyone the new lap length.

Wednesday, July 14, 2010

Trek Triathlon to Danskin Triathlon Training Class

The Trek to Danskin Triathlon Training class starts this Sunday, 7-9am. You’ll be joining the Danskin Intermediate class and workout together.

Workout this Sunday is a Brick: Bike of the Danskin bike course + Run around the lake. Both negative splits.  Meet at the Beach.

Danskin Triathlon Training Classes, Sunday July 18

Intermediate Class, 7:00-9:00am

Workout this Sunday is a Brick: Bike of the Danskin bike course + Run around the lake. Both negative splits. Meet at the Beach.

Beginner Class, 9:30-11:30am

Workout this Sunday is a Race Simulation. So you will need all your gear, and we will talk about how to set up a transition area and how to do effective transitions. Look over the transition material in your Intro document. Meet at the Beach.

Tuesday, July 13, 2010

A Star is Born...

Congratulations to Shaunea Tolliver Denton, cover girl on Brightroom's Trek Triathlon Photo page!  Nice action shot and what a beautiful uniform!

(If only they could have gotten a swim shot of her and the giant woman-eating Asian carp swimming next to her...)

Wednesday, July 07, 2010

Trek Triathlon Run Course

Run course posted on the Trek Triathlon web site is still not correct.

  1. Exit Transition onto Terwall Terrace
  2. Follow the road around the lake, up to Hwy H
  3. Double back on the road until you get to the boat launch, then go onto the running path
  4. Run back south on the path (toward the beach)
  5. The finish line is just east of the flagpoles, across from the softball fields

Official Trek Bike Route revision and Map from Village of Pleasant Prairie

"A recently revised bike course for the Trek Triathlon will take athletes from Prairie Springs Park on Highway 165 west of Interstate 94. Racers will follow a route, in the Village of Bristol, from Highway U down Horton Road (Highway CJ) to Highway MB. Racers will turn east on 128th Street, north on Highway U, east again on 116th Street, and south on the West Frontage Road. Racers will cross I-94 on Highway ML and then return to Prairie Springs Park via the East Frontage Road and Highway 165. The public can access a map of the revised bike course in the News section at"

PDF Map of bike course is here

Tuesday, July 06, 2010

Trek Bike Course details from the Race Director

Confirmed this morning -- bike course is the 12.4 mile version, avoiding the north part of the west frontage road and going west/uphill on 116th Street.

This is the version on the Trek Triathlon web site and their bike map.
  • West on Hwy 165 to Hwy U
  • Left/South of Hwy U to Horton Rd
  • Right/West on Hordon Rd
  • Left/South on 152nd Ave
  • Left/East on 128th St (State Line Rd)
  • Left/North on Hwy U
  • Right/East on 116th St (downhill - weeeeeeeeee!)
  • Right/South on West Frontage Rd
  • Left/East on ML & over I-94
  • Left/North on East Frontage Rd & by the Outlet Mall
  • At the Pleasant Prairie water tower, turn right, then immedately left on 114th Ave
  • Right on Hwy 165 and back to the transition area

Saturday, July 03, 2010

Trek Triathlon Bike Course Variations

I will try to get the final word on the Trek Bike Course next week.  This map shows the two variations:

Blue + Black is what is shown by the Village of Pleasant Prairie (13.9 miles)
Blue + Red is what is now shown on the Trek web site (12.4 miles)

(My guess, right now, is that as a race director I would strongly push for the shorter route shown on the Trek web site.  I suspect this is what will ultimately be set for race day, but I will feel a lot more comfortable getting the Village to confirm it.  They're responsible for closing the roads, after all!)

Friday, July 02, 2010

And More Confusion on the Trek Bike Course

This evening the Trek Triathlon web site is listing new bike course directions which are different still.  Their directions indicate the course goes west on Hwy 165 to Hwy U (136th Ave), then turns south, then makes a right turn on Hwy CJ (Horton Rd). 

However, as of this evening, the Pleasant Prairie Police Department said they were unaware of any changes in the course which was posted in the Village Newsletter and which is shown in the previous post.

Stay tuned...

Thursday, July 01, 2010

More on the Trek Bike Course AND Run Course Change

The 2010 Trek bike course is 14 miles (13.97 via GPS this afternoon), versus a bit under 12 miles for the "east" route. So prepare for a 2 mile longer ride.

Because this course was used at the Pleasant Prairie Tri last weekend, it is well marked. There are several white arrows on the road at each turn, so just keep an eye out for those if there is any question.

Also, there is about 180 feet in elevation change; pretty much all uphill for the first half, and downhill the second half.

Also, the run course is the same as 2009:

Also, as of this evening, the maps on the Trek web site are still incorrect,

  1. You will exit transition and go on the road (Terwall Terrace)
  2. Follow the road around the lake, all the way to Hwy H
  3. Double back on the road to the boat launch
  4. At the boat launch, you'll go on the path and head back toward the beach
  5. The finish line is just east of the flagpoles, where you turn into the park from Hwy 165.
Course Map

Elevation Map

Tuesday, June 29, 2010

Trek Triathlon Bike Course CHANGE!

I've confirmed that the July 11 Trek Women's Triathlon bike course has changed for 2010.  It is a new course that goes west -- basically, the first part of the original Pleasant Prairie International Course.
  • Exit Prairie Springs Park / Terwall Terrace to Hwy 165
  • Right on Hwy 165
  • Go over Hwy 41 / I-94
  • Left on West Frontage Road
  • Right on 116th St
  • Right on Hwy U
  • Left on Hwy CJ
  • Left on Hwy MB
  • Left on Hwy WG / 128th St
  • Left on Hwy U
  • Right on 116th St
  • Right on Frontage Road
  • Left on ML and over the interstate
  • Left on the East Frontage Road and go by the Outlet Mall
  • Right on Hwy 165
  • Left on Terwall Terrace and back to Transition
Also, Hwy 165 is the only road that will be completely closed during the race.

Tuesday, June 22, 2010

No Tri Training classes this weekend -- Pleasant Prairie Triathlons

Reminder: there are no triathlon training classes this coming weekend (Jun 26 and 27), due to the Pleasant Prairie triathlons at the RecPlex.

The beach at Lake Andrea will be closed until 1pm each day.

Monday, June 21, 2010

Open Water Swim Workouts this week

Tuesday, 6:30-7:30pm:
  1. Last regularly scheduled session for the Pleasant Prairie and Pleasant Prairie to Danskin OW Swim Workout sessions.
  2. First Trek Triathlon Open Water Swim Workout class
Thursday, 6:30-7:30pm - 6/15 make-up session for Pleasant Prairie and Pleasant Prairie to Danskin OW Swim Workout classes.

Please check this blog on the afternoon before your class for any last minute weather updates.  If the Lake Andrea beach is closed, we cannot hold class.

Thursday, June 17, 2010

Danskin Triathlon Training, Sunday, June 20

Intermediate/Advanced Class - meet at Lake Andrea Beach at 7:00am.  Workout is a race simulation.  Bring all your swim, bike, run, and transition gear.

Beginning Class - meet at the Lake Andrea Beach at 9:30am.  Workout is open water swimming.  Bring all your swim gear (including wetsuit if you have one).

Trek and Pleasant Prairie Tri Training, Sunday, June 20

Race Simulation -- meet at the Lake Andrea Beach at 7am.  Bring all your swim, bike, run, and transition gear.

Trek Triathlon Training, Saturday June 19

Race Simulation -- meet at the Lake Andrea Beach at 7am.  Bring all your swim, bike, run, and transition gear.

Open Water Swim Workout tonight - make-up from 6/8

Yeah!  It's not raining!  Pleasant Prairie Tri Open Water Swim Workout and Pleasant Prairie to Danskin Triathlon Open Water Swim Workout make-up session is tonight, 6:30-7:30pm. This is the make-up from the June 8 rainout. We'll schedule a make-up for this last Tuesday's rainout in the class tonight -- either next Wednesday or Thursday.

Tuesday, June 15, 2010

6/15 Open Water Swim Workout cancelled - beach is closed

Unfortunately, here we go again. The beach at Lake Andrea is closed because of the weather. So there is no Open Water Swim Workout tonight.

We had already rescheduled last week’s rain-out for this Thursday night, 6:30-7:30pm. We’ll look at rescheduling tonight’s session at that time. Please think about your availability next week.

Monday, June 14, 2010

Open Water Swim Workout - Tuesday, 6/15 @ 6:30pm

"New" start of the Pleasant Prairie and Pleasant Prairie to Danskin Open Water Swim Workouts is Tuesday, June 16 @ 6:30pm at Lake Andrea.

Make-up session for last Tuesday's rain-out will be Thursday, June 17 at the regular time.

Friday, June 11, 2010

Danskin Triathlon Training begins Sunday, June 13

Danskin Triathlon Training starts at the RecPlex this Sunday.
Intermediate/Advanced Class (7:00-9:00)
  • Meet at the beach at Lake Andrea (across the lake from the RecPlex) at 7:00am.
  • Your class meets with the Trek Intermediate class.
  • Workout will be open water swimming; please bring your swim gear (including wetsuit if you have one).
  • After the class swims, the Trek group will do a run. At that point we will go over the Danskin materials and training plan.
Beginner Class (9:30-11:30)
  • Meet at the RecPlex at 9:30am.
  • We are scheduled to meet in the Blue Room, which is to the right of the Guest Services Desk and down a short hallway. It is possible that the location will move; if so, I will post a sign and inform the Desk so they can direct you.
  • We will be going over the materials and training plan on Sunday; there will not be a formal class workout. We will do a quick walk-through of the race venue and the transition area.

Trek Tri Training Class, Sunday, June 13

Class workout for June 13 is swim + run. Meet at the beach at 7:00am.

Plan to swim 4-6+ laps. Run will be either down to the boat landing and back, or (preferably) around the lake.

Trek Tri Training, Saturday, June 12

Class workout for June 12 is optional swim and brick.

For those interested in swimming, meet at the beach at 7:00am. We will swim for about 30 minutes.

Otherwise, meet at the beach area at 7:30. Bring all your bike and run gear. We will talk about setting up transitions, get all the gear set up, them do a ride of the Trek course. (Bring your cue sheets!) On getting back you will quickly transition to a run. Focus of this session is transitions and going from the bike to the run.

At this point you should be practicing with everything you plan to use on race day, including hydration (sports drink, etc.) and nutrition (Sports Beans, Power Bars, gels, etc.) We are moving more and more towards simulating the race in the class workouts, so start thinking about PREPARING for each class as if it were the race itself.

Tuesday, June 08, 2010

Open Water Swim Cancelled Tonight

Update: per the RecPlex, the Lake Andrea beach is closed and will not reopen. I will email participants about rescheduling.

Coach Ken
Sent from my Verizon Wireless BlackBerry

OW Swim Workout June 8

At the present time - 10:45 am - the beach is closed but may reopen. If we cannot swim tonight we will reschedule for another evening. I will update the Blog this afternoon.

Coach Ken
Sent from my Verizon Wireless BlackBerry

Monday, June 07, 2010

Tuesday Open Water Swim Workouts start 6/8

Pleasant Prairie Tri Open Water Swim Workout and Pleasant Prairie to Danskin Open Water Swim Workout start Tuesday, June 8.  6:30-7:30pm at Lake Andrea Beach.

Note: in case of bad weather at class time which closes the beach, we will reschedule that session for another time.

Friday, June 04, 2010

Bike Ride 6/5

We have enough people who have RSVP'ed and the rain looks like it will hold off until about 11am.  Please be ready to ride at 7:30am.

Remember, if raining 7:00-7:30, ride is cancelled.  If so, see you on Sunday.

Trek Triathlon Training for June 5-6

This Sunday is the Open Water Swim Clinic with Lauren Jensen for both the Beginning and the Intermediate/Advanced Trek Tri classes. Meet at the Lake Andrea Beach.

Intermediate/Advanced class: 7:00 to 8:30am
Beginning class: 9:00-10:30am

Optional bike ride on Saturday @ 7:30am for both classes. See Thursday's class e-mail for details.

Tuesday, June 01, 2010

Open Water Swim Workouts this Summer

Pleasant Prairie to Danskin Open Water Swim Workout -- June 8 through August 17
Fee: $80 RecPlex Member, $109 Non-Members, Code: 222359-21

Pleasant Prairie Tri Open Water Swim Workout -- June 8, June 15, and June 22 (three Tuesdays before the race)
Fee: $25 RecPlex Member, $35 Non-Members, Code: 22359-21

Trek Women's Triathlon Open Water Swim Workout -- June 22, June 29, and July 6 (three Tuesdays before the race)
Fee: $25 RecPlex Member, $35 Non-Members, Code: 22359-22

Danskin Triathlon Open Water Swim Workout -- Aug 3, Aug 10, and Aug 17 (three Tuesdays before the race)
Fee: $25 RecPlex Member, $35 Non-Members, Code: 22359-23

For all of these, register online at If you do not have a RecPlex Logon, contact Guest Services at 262-947-0437 for assistance. You can also register in person at the RecPlex, 9900 Terwall Terrace, Pleasant Prairie, WI.

Thursday, May 27, 2010

Trek Tri Training Class, Sunday, May 30

Pink Floyd - The WallClass this Sunday (May 30) is a Brick -- bike ride of the Trek course followed by a run, both negative splits.

Because of the Memorial Day weekend events at the lake, and the RecPlex, and the parking lot construction, we will be meeting at Picnic Area #5 in the park.  Park map with picnic areas is here.

Class will start at 7:30.  Please make sure you are there ready to go at 7:30 sharp – we want to be finished before the crowds hit for the boat races.

Trek Tri Training Class, Saturday May 29

Pink Floyd - The Wall 25th Anniversary (Deluxe Edition)Class this Saturday (May 29) is a Brick. We will talk about transitions and then do a bike ride of the Trek course followed by a run.

Because of the Memorial Day weekend events at the lake and the RecPlex and the parking lot construction, we will be meeting at Picnic Area #5 in the park.  Park map with the picnic areas is here.

Thursday, May 20, 2010

Trek Triathlon Class, Sunday, May 23

Sunday's Trek Intermediate class will meet at 7:30 at Silver Lake Park for open water swim and run workout.

Trek Triathtlon Class, Saturday, May 22

Saturday’s class is a ride of the Trek bike course. You need to bring your bike, helmet, plus what is necessary to fix a flat.

Because of the construction in the RecPlex parking lot, we will be meeting in the parking lot at the southwest corner of Lake Andrea, near the playground.

We will meet at 7:30 and start riding no later than 7:45. Please be on time. We will not delay the start of the ride. You will also need to sign out when we start the ride and sign back in when you return.

Wednesday, May 12, 2010

Trek Intermediate Class, May 16

Reminder that the class will be meeting at UW-Parkside this Sunday at 7:30am.  Workout is a run of the 5K course.  For those interested, bring your bike for an optional ride in Petrifying Springs Park (hills!) afterwards.

Workout will be coordinated by Heidi, Robyn, Doreen, and Mary-Jane.

Map to UW-Parkside (parking lot where the class will meet is on Petrifying Springs Road, between the entrance to the Park and University Drive).

Trail Map (parking lot is the orange square by the "Hwy JR" text)

5K Map (parking lot is the square "U" across the street from the Start line)

Trek Beginner Class, May 15

We should be in the Blue and Yellow Rooms again on Saturday.  Workout is a run of the Trek Triathlon Run Course.  Please review the run course in your Introduction document -- this may change, so I will talk about that on Saturday.

Thursday, May 06, 2010

Trek and Pleasant Prairie Tri Training Class, Sunday, May 9

We will be in the Blue & Yellow rooms, starting at 7:00.  Run workout today.

You're welcome to informally run the Family 5K at 8:30am on Saturday with the Beginning class. If you are interested in an official time (and goodie bag, t-shirt, etc.), please register for the race. You can register onsite before the race if you'd like.

Trek Tri Training, Saturday, May 8

We will be in the Blue & Yellow rooms, starting at 7:30.

A reminder that we will be informally running the Family 5K at 8:30am.  If you are interested in an official time (and goodie bag, t-shirt, etc.), please register for the race.  You can register onsite before the race if you'd like.

Saturday, May 01, 2010

Friday, April 30, 2010

Trek Triathlon Training - Saturday, May 1

Class on Saturday, May 1 will be in the IcePlex Rooms A & B.  Easiest option is to park in the IcePlex parking lot, enter through the IcePlex, and walk straight back.  Alternatively, you can enter through the RecPlex, walk straight down the hallway past the racquetball courts,  through the double glass doors, and the room will be on your right.

Tuesday, April 27, 2010

Trek and Pleasant Prairie Triathlon Training Starts This Weekend

Training classes for Trek Women's Triathlon and the Pleasant Prairie Triathlon begins this weekend, May 1 and 2

Trek Beginner Saturday @ 7:30am,

Trek Intermediate/Advanced and Pleasant Prairie Sunday @ 7:00am.

Register at; info at

Tuesday, April 13, 2010

Reminder: no Tri Swim or Tri Brick on April 18

Reminder:  there is no Triathlon Swim session or Tri Brick class this Sunday, April 18, due to the Indoor Triathlon.  Next (and last) class sessions will be on Sunday, April 25.

Trek Triathlon Bike Course

According to the course information posted on the Trek Triathlon web site on Monday, the Trek bike course is back to the 2008 version -- heading east on Hwy 165 from the RecPlex, then making the Green Bay Road / ML / 39th / 93rd St / Old Green Bay loop.  PDF of the bike course is here.

Sunday, April 11, 2010

Indoor/Outdoor Triathlon Waves

Wave starts for the April 18 Indoor/Outdoor Triathlon are now posted.

Monday, April 05, 2010

Trek Triathlon to Danskin Triathlon Training Class Added

Pleasant Prairie Triathlon, to Trek Triathlon, to Danskin Triathlon

We've just added a new RecPlex Training class for those who want to continue training for the Danskin Triathlon, after the Pleasant Prairie and Trek Triathlons:

Trek to Danskin Triathlon Training
July 18-August 15
Sundays, 7:00-9:00am

$66 for RecPlex members / $92 for Non-members
Registration Code: 22349-72
Sign up under Events & Programs 2010
Multi-Sport Training > TREK Triathlon Training > TREK to Danskin Triathlon Training

This class is intended for those taking our Trek Women's Triathlon Beginner or Intermediate class, which ends with the race on July 11. If you aren't taking the Trek Training class, you should have completed at least one Sprint Triathlon this year.

Thursday, April 01, 2010

RecPlex Spring Break: April 2-10

The RecPlex Spring Break begins on Friday. 
  • We will have Triathlon Cycling class tonight as usual
  • No Tri Cycling next Thursday night, however...
  • Tri Cycling DEMO class next Tuesday, 4/6, 7pm -- free to RecPlex members, $5 for non-members
  • No Tri Swim Clinic and no Tri Brick class on 4/4 (Easter), 4/11 (Spring Break), and 4/18 (Indoor/Outdoor Triathlon) -- next and final class session on April 25

Tuesday, March 23, 2010

Sunday Classes Reminder

Reminder to everyone in the Sunday classes (Tri Swim and Tri Brick):  This Sunday, March 28, will be the last class session until April 25th.
  • Sunday, April 4 - Easter, RecPlex closed
  • Sunday, April 11 - RecPlex Spring Break, no classes
  • Sunday, April 18 - Indoor/Outdoor Triathlon
Last classes of Winter II will be April 25.  Have a good break.

Saturday, March 20, 2010

5K Training Program

This 5 week training program will help you prepare for a 5K run, including the RecPlex Family Walk-Run on Saturday, May 8th.  You will receive running workouts with strength training programs and running logs.  The training is geared for geginner to intermediate runners.

Introductory meeting Saturday, March 27 @ 8am at the RecPlex

Class meets Saturday, April 3 through Sunday, May 2
(Due to the Wisconsin 1/2 Marathon on May 1, the class will meet on Sunday, May 2)
Saturdays, 8:00-9:00am
$49 RecPlex Member / $59 Non-Member
Code: 22531-61
Instructor: John Morehouse

Friday, March 12, 2010

Daylight Savings Time begins this weekend

La Crosse Technology WT-3122J Radio-Controlled Analog Wall Clock, WoodAttention Tri Swim Clinic and Tri Brick participants -- remember that Daylight Savings Time begins Saturday night (spring ahead).  Reset your clocks before going to bed or you'll be late!

Wednesday, March 03, 2010

Indoor Tri this Sunday, so no Tri Training Classes

A reminder that the second of our Indoor Triathlon series is this Sunday, March 7.  So there will be no Tri Swim Clinic or Tri Brick class this weekend.

If you are doing the Indoor Triathlon, wave assignments and start times are posted on the Indoor Triathlon Home Page

Friday, February 26, 2010

Half Marathon Training Program

Prepare for the Wisconsin Half Marathon in Kenosha on May 1st.  Participants will receive running workouts with strength training programs and running logs.  The training is geared for intermediate to advanced running with some running experience.

February 28 - April 25
Sundays, 8am - 10am
Program Code: 22352-02
Fee: $72 RecPlex Member / $86 Non-Member
Instructor: John Morehouse

Wednesday, February 24, 2010

Tri Swim Clinic beginning Feb 28

The Tri Swim Clinic begins this Sunday, February 28. The class is full, with a waiting list, and we are looking at the pool schedule to see if we can add another class.

FINIS Zoomer Fins (Blue, Size-E)Reminder to all participants: bring “Zoomer” type fins to each class session, including this Sunday. These are the swim fins with short blades – not the long blades like skin and scuba divers wear. “Zoomer” is a brand name; this type of fin is made by a number of different companies. Just make sure to get the short bladed swim fins. These fins are available at Kiefer in Zion (off Hwy 173, east of Green Bay Rd), and other retailers who carry swim gear.

Saturday, February 20, 2010

Winter II Tri Training

Winter II classes begin the week of February 22:

Triathlon Cycle: Thursdays, 7-8pm
Tri Swim Clinic: Sundays, 7-8am
Tri Brick: Sundays, 8:30-10:00am

Saturday, February 13, 2010

Winter II Registration

Registration for Winter II Triathlon class is now open for RecPlex members. Non-member registration opens Tuesday, February 16.  Register by the end of the day on Thursday, February 18 and receive $5 off the program fee.

Triathlon Swim Clinic - last class session before Fall - Sundays, 7:00-8:00am, Feb 28 through April 25.  $23 RecPlex Members / $37 Non-Members

Tri Brick - last class session before Fall - Sundays, 8:80-10:00am, Feb 28 through April 25. $23 RecPlex Members / $37 Non-Members

Triathlon Cycling - Thursdays, 7:00-8:00pm, Feb 25 through April 22. $26 RecPlex Members / $42 Non-Members

Tuesday, February 09, 2010

Danskin Registration Open

Registration is now open for the Danskin Triathlon at Pleasant Prairie on August 22.  Download a registration form here, or register online.

Friday, February 05, 2010

Sunday classes resume this weekend

New Triathlon Logo Decal Sticker Swim Bike Run Cycling
Reminder: Tri Swim Clinic and Tri Brick class resume this Sunday, Feb 6

Monday, February 01, 2010

RecPlex Indoor Triathlon Results

Congratulations to Bill Gilmore and Jodi Staral, overall winners in the RecPlex Indoor Triathlon #1 on January 31.  Overall Results and Age Group Results have been posted.

Next race is Sunday, March 7.

Monday, January 25, 2010

Reminder: no Sunday classes on 1/31 due to Indoor Tri

A reminder the Tri Swim Clinic and the Tri Brick workout will not be held on Sunday, January 31 due to the Indoor Triathlon.

Monday, January 04, 2010

Winter I Triathlon Training Classes

RecPlex Winter I session begins today.  Triathlon training classes will start:
  • Thursday: Triathlon Cycling, 7-8pm
  • Sunday: Triathlon Swim Clinic, 7-8am, and Tri Brick, 8:30-10:00am
Register online at