Friday, June 11, 2010

Trek Tri Training, Saturday, June 12

Class workout for June 12 is optional swim and brick.

For those interested in swimming, meet at the beach at 7:00am. We will swim for about 30 minutes.

Otherwise, meet at the beach area at 7:30. Bring all your bike and run gear. We will talk about setting up transitions, get all the gear set up, them do a ride of the Trek course. (Bring your cue sheets!) On getting back you will quickly transition to a run. Focus of this session is transitions and going from the bike to the run.

At this point you should be practicing with everything you plan to use on race day, including hydration (sports drink, etc.) and nutrition (Sports Beans, Power Bars, gels, etc.) We are moving more and more towards simulating the race in the class workouts, so start thinking about PREPARING for each class as if it were the race itself.