Another reminder that there is a Triathlon Cycling demo class this Wednesday, December 30, 7-8pm at the RecPlex. This class is free to all RecPlex members; non-members may purchase a $5 drop-in pass.
Blog for Triathlon Training through the LakeView RecPlex in Pleasant Prairie, WI. Training by USA Triathlon Coach Ken Johnson, from 3-Fitness & Wellness.
Tuesday, December 29, 2009
Triathlon Cycling moving to Thursdays
Another reminder that there is a Triathlon Cycling demo class this Wednesday, December 30, 7-8pm at the RecPlex. This class is free to all RecPlex members; non-members may purchase a $5 drop-in pass.
Monday, December 21, 2009
Triathlon Cycling Demo - Wed, Dec 30 @ 7:00pm
Thursday, December 17, 2009
Final Fall II Classes
Tri Cycle class has completed.
Friday, December 11, 2009
2010 Indoor Tri & Class Registrations
Registration for all four 2010 Indoor Triathlons is now open to everyone.
- January 31
- March 7
- April 18
- November 21
Go to, and click on the Register Online icon.
Once in the Registration, make sure you select Session: Events and Programs 2010. $35 RecPlex member / $45 Non-member.
Registration for Winter I Tri Swim (Sundays, 7-8am), Tri Brick (Sundays, 8:30-10:00am), and Tri Cycle (Thursdays*, 7-8am) is currently open for RecPlex members and opens December 15 for Non-Members.
* - New Day
Friday, November 27, 2009
No Class November 29
Friday, November 20, 2009
Break for Indoor Tri & Thanksgiving
The Tuesday Triathlon Cycling class will not meet on Nov 24 because of the Thankgiving break.
There will be free fitness demo classes during the break; you can pick up a schedule at the RecPlex.
Coach Ken
Tuesday, November 17, 2009
Turkey Triathlon Waves
Remember that you need to check-in at the Fitness Center desk at least 30 minutes before the start of your wave.
Wednesday, November 11, 2009
Turkey Triathlon
Wave list will be posted on 3-Fitness on Sunday, Nov 15.
Monday, October 26, 2009
Fall II Classes begin Tomorrow
Fall II Triathlon Classes are beginning:
- Triathlon Cycling - Tuesdays, 7-8pm - begins Oct 27
- Tri Swim Clinic - Sundays, 7-8am - begins Nov 1
- Tri Brick - Sundays, 8:30am-10:00am - begins Nov 1
Register online at or in person at the Guest Services Desk at the RecPlex.
Note: if you register on Tuesday, please bring your receipt to class.
Sunday, September 27, 2009
Danskin Race Results
Scroll to the bottom of the page where it says "Search Results Data" and select the 2009 Chicagoland Results.
You may want to check back a couple of times in the next week or so to see if there are any updates. Unfortunately, I don't see any penalties column, so if those are added it may change some of the "official" finish times. (Rules violations are usually a 2 minute penalty for the first offense and 4 minutes for the second.) The USAT officials were furiously going over paperwork the couple of times I walked by, so I suspect there will be some penalties assessed.
Congratulations to all finishers!
Friday, September 25, 2009
Danskin Road Closures
Based on this, it would seem that Hwy H will be open all the way north and south, as will Hwy 165 going east and Green Bay Road. If you are coming north on H toward parking, be careful at the intersection of H and 95th street. Cars may be stopping there and there is a chance that they will stop (or block) northbound traffic since they expect most cars going to parking will come south on H then make the left turn onto 95th street.
There will likely be a lot less traffic if you go to parking via Green Bay Road, then turn west on 95th Street, and then into the parking area.
Wednesday, September 23, 2009
Danskin Triathlon Information
In particular, pay attention to:
- Noodles and swim angels WILL BE ALLOWED.
- Bike helmets are expected to meet the CPSC (Consumer Product Safety Commission) standards, and there will be spot inspections.
- You must have your helmet on and buckled whenever you are on your bike. This includes BEFORE and AFTER the race itself.
- If you have a road bike (with the curled, “ram’s horn” handlebars), you must have bar-end plugs or you will not be allowed to race.
- No iPods, MP3 players, or earphones. Ever, Ever, Ever during a race.
- Review the drafting rules -- ride on the right, pass on the left, no riding 2 abreast, keep approximately 3 bike lengths between you and the bike in front of you.
Photo ID and USAT membership (either annual member or one-day license) are required to pick up your packet. If not a USAT annual member, and you did not purchase the one-day license when you registered, you will need to stop at the USAT desk first.
Thursday, September 17, 2009
Danskin Tri Training for Sep 20
Sunday will be a Race Simulation. Bring all your gear, and practice the nutrition you plan during the race (Sports Beans, gels, etc.).
We will start at 7:00am. Please be on time!
- Swim: 2-4 laps
- Bike: For those who want to ride the entire course, we will start together (Bike course map here). For those who do not want to ride the course, after your swim immediately transition to the bike and ride 2-3 laps around the park on the road.
- Run: On the path down to the boat landing and back, OR completely around the lake.
Remember, this weekend is the final opportunity to pay for the pre-race dinner next Friday.
Danskin Tri Training for Sep 19
Saturday we will do a Race Simulation (swim + transition + bike + transition + run). For the bike we will have an option of riding the new bike course for those interested. I will have cue sheets and we will ride in a group with me sweeping as normal.
Bring all your gear, wear what you plan on wearing during the race, take the water/sports drink on the bike you plan to use during the race, and practice the nutrition you plan during the race (Sports Beans, gels, etc.).
We will start at 7:00am. Please be on time!
- Swim: 2-4 laps
- Bike: For those who want to ride the entire course, we will start together. (Bike course map here) For those who do not want to ride the course, after your swim immediately transition to the bike and ride 2-3 laps around the park on the road.
- Run: On the path down to the boat landing and back, OR completely around the lake.
Remember, this weekend is the final opportunity to pay for the pre-race dinner next Friday.
Danskin Tri Athlete Guide
- The web site and the guide have text describing the old run course (around the lake). I am about 99% sure that is not right. The map on the web site shows the same run course as Trek and Pleasant Prairie – out on the road, around the lake to Hwy H, back on the road to the boat landing, then on the path back south with the finish line just past the flag poles.
- Packet Pickup and bike racking is 10am-4pm. They usually went until 6pm.
- Racking can be done on Sunday morning (park at the Outlet Mall).
- Race-Day Parking is at the Outlet Mall and at the grassy field at 95th Street and Green Bay Road (this is where the Pleasant Prairie Tri parking has been for several years). NO bus service from the Outlet Mall; if you park there Sunday you’ll either need to ride your bike in or you’ll have a long walk. There will be shuttle bus service from 95th St & Green Bay Road.
- Swim is across the lake, as we expected.
A race update will be posted on Thursday, Sept 24.
Friday, September 04, 2009
New Danskin Tri Bike Route
The bike course now goes:
- West on Hwy 165
- Turn left on Corporate Drive (just before Culvers)
- Follow Corporate Drive to the Outlet Mall and "jog" over to the east frontage road
- Follow the frontage road south to Hwy ML
- Turn right on ML, go over I-94 (by the weigh station), and turn right on the west frontage road
- Take the west frontage road north all the way to Hwy 165 again.
- Left on Hwy 165
- Left on Hwy U
- Left on 116th St, then back to the west frontage road and turn right
- Return the same way you came: west frontage road, left on ML, left on the east frontage road, go around the outlet mall back to Corporate Dr, then right on Hwy 165 back to the transtion area
Danskin Training Class for Sep 6
7:30am – workout – meet at Lake Andrea beach for bike ride of the new Danskin course. I will have cue sheets. Do a short run afterwards.
Danskin Training class for Sep 5
7:30am – workout – meet at Lake Andrea beach for bike ride of the new Danskin course. I will have cue sheets. Do a short run afterwards.
Thursday, September 03, 2009
Danskin Bike Course Changing
Friday, August 21, 2009
Danskin Intermediate class on August 23
UW-Parkside is located in Kenosha, just east of the intersection of Green Bay Road (Hwy 31) & Hwy E. From I-94, take the Hwy E exit and go east approximately 4 miles to Green Bay Road. Go past Green Bay Road, then turn left on Hwy JR. Follow the curve past the PE building, and park across from the XC course start.
Directions to campus:
If you want to run further, you can run more than one lap of the 5K course or you can find the 6K, 8K, and 10K maps here.
Danskin Training Class for August 22
I will be providing cue sheets, but before Saturday please review the bike map here.
Remember that you must have a helmet to ride, and make sure to bring a water bottle and spare tube and tools in case you get a flat tire.
There is an optional run after the bike ride. If you wish to run (and I recommend it), remember to (1) bring your run gear, (2) lock your bike up before you run, and (3) you need to start running within about 5 minutes of getting off the bike.
Wednesday, August 19, 2009
Lake Andrea Lap Swimming Times in Sept
Monday-Friday 8 September 8-11 8 7:00am-10:00am
Saturday & Sunday 8 September 12 & 13 8 7:00am-12:00pm
Saturday & Sunday 8 September 19 & 20 8 7:00am-12:00pm
Saturday 8 September 26 8 7:00am-12:00pm
Hours will be subject to change pending weather conditions …
Monday, August 17, 2009
Pleasant Prairie Tri Results
Saturday, August 15, 2009
Danskin Tri Open Water Swim Workout starts Tuesday
Join us for open water swimming at Lake Andrea before the 2009 Chicagoland Danskin SheROX Triathlon. Each session with include triathlon open water swim skills followed by a swim workout.
Tuesdays, 6:00-7:00pm (note this is half hour earlier than previous classes this year)
August 18, August 25, & September 1
$25 RecPlex Member / $32 Non-member
Register online at
Friday, August 14, 2009
Danskin Open Water Swim Times
The class will be from 6:00-7:00pm, at the Lake Andrea beach.
Wednesday, August 12, 2009
Pleasant Prairie Triathlon Details
Swim – same as previous years. Sprint is out-and-back from the beach by the RecPlex parking lot (transition); International is a triangle course. As of tonight there were three platforms on the Sprint course (so you pass them going out and coming back – in essence, six platforms) and one on each of the other two legs of the International course.
Bike – same as last year, unfortunately. The International course will NOT go west over the interstate; instead, it will be two laps of the Sprint course. The Sprint course is the usual one we ride, though they are keeping the “U” portion off of Hwy 165 both going out and coming back. So between the two overpasses, you have to turn off Hwy 165 and ride a “U” on roads through the industrial park, coming back onto Hwy 165. (This is how they make up the additional distance needed for the International course, so Sprint has to follow it also.)
Run – similar to Trek due to the construction of the pool. Sprint: same course – out on the road, around the lake up to Hwy H, then back on the running path to the finish line. The big difference is for the International course. Their run course now goes out on Hwy 165 first, running west almost down to Culvers, then returns to the park and to the road around the lake. But at the Hwy H “turnaround” they will continue on the path toward the IcePlex, then double-back to join the Sprint athletes on the path running south toward the finish line.
Water/Gatorade on the run – one aid station for Sprint, near the Beach Pavilion (which you’ll pass twice). International will have that aid station, plus one on Hwy 165 near the bridge and one on the extra part of the path that goes toward the IcePlex.
Parking – main parking is in the grassy field at the corner of 95th Street and Green Bay Road, a bit north of Jelly Belly. 95th street is the street that runs into Prairie Springs Park, and the road where the power company is located. Shuttle buses will run from there to the IcePlex parking lot from 4am until about 1pm.
- There is no access to the parking area from Green Bay Rd. You need to come
down Hwy H, then turn east on 95th Street to parking. - Athletes can also park at the Outlet Mall and ride their bikes to the race on Sunday morning if they want (though this isn’t an “official” parking location). There will be NO buses from the Outlet Mall.
- Parking on Saturday is within the park. If you’re a RecPlex member, you should be able to park in the IcePlex parking lot with your ID.
Saturday Schedule:
7:00 – 8:15am -- >Junior Triathlon check-in & racking
8:30am --> Junior Triathlon Begins
10:00am – 6:00pm --> Packet Pickup & Bike Racking
Sunday Schedule:
4:00am – 1:00pm --> Shuttle buses from Remote Parking (95th St & Green Bay Rd)
4:30am --> Transition opens
6:00am --> Transition closes
6:30am --> International athletes begin, followed by Sprint
Friday, August 07, 2009
Danskin Intermediate Tri Class, Aug 9
Meet at the Lake Andrea beach at 7:00am.
Bring all your gear – swim, bike, & run. Those doing Pleasant Prairie next week might want to do the Sprint Bike course (otherwise you’ll do 2-3 laps around the park on the road).
Danskin Tri Training class, Aug 8
Meet at the Lake Andrea beach at 7:00am. Bring goggles, swim cap (if you have one; I will have extras), and wet suit (if you have one and plan to wear in the race). There will be an optional run after we swim.
We will swim unless the lake is closed due to weather; if so, we'll do some lecture work while waiting the storms out.
Pleasant Prairie Jr Tri Class, Aug 8
Heat Advisory Issued for This Weekend
That National Weather Service has issued a Heat Advisory for SE Wisconsin and NE Illinois for this weekend.
Please be careful in our class workouts and/or working out on your own. Stay hydrated and try to avoid the hottest parts of the day.
Tuesday, August 04, 2009
Friday, July 24, 2009
Pleasant Prairie Junior Tri Class for July 25
Wednesday, July 22, 2009
Lake Andrea Lap Time in September
- September 12
- September 13
- September 19
- September 20
- September 26
The lake is open only for lap swimming on these days.
Danskin Intermediate Class for July 26
I will provide cue sheets, but please also review the "Alternate Route to the International Course" here.
Also remember that if you plan to do Pleasant Prairie, you need to let me know so I can give you the modified 4-week training plan for that race. You'll use that instread of the Danskin Intermediate training plan through race day.
Danskin Triathlon Training Class for July 25
This week we will be going over class and race information, as well as the training plan, followed by a tour of the venue. We will not be doing a formal workout this Saturday, though you can run or swim on your own after the class.
Friday, July 17, 2009
Pleasant Prairie Junior Tri Training
This Saturday we'll talk about triathlons, how to train, and do a little run.
Saturday, July 11, 2009
Last Last Minute Trek Race Info
(It is possible the signs will be there race morning. I talked to one coach this morning who was livid over this and was going off to find the Race Director. But remember you should always look for things that can't move or disappear on you.)
Wednesday, July 08, 2009
Updated Trek Run Course Info
Water stops on the run have also changed. There will still be water where you exit the transition area, but the other water stop has moved down to a little south of the beach pavilion. If you’ve run on the path, you may remember there is a spot near the pavilion where the path comes very close to the road. That is where the water tables will be – and you’ll pass it twice. You’ll pass it the first time on the road, at about 8/10th of a mile into the run, then again on the way back on the path at about 2.3 miles into the run.
New Finish Line Setup for Trek 2009
Tuesday, July 07, 2009
Change in Trek Triathlon Run Course & Finish Line
The finish line will be somewhere around the “Baby U” building (the former Common Grounds) just south of the parking lot.
We’re not sure of the exact positioning of the turn-around or the finish line, but the finish line should be set up sometime this week. Remember to check at registration/packet pickup for any other last minute changes.
Trek Triathlon Parking & Times
Bike Racking on Sunday is permitted and is being encouraged. If you want to rack your bike on Sunday, you park in the Prime Outlet Mall at I-94 and Hwy 165 and then ride your bike to the RecPlex. It is about two miles from the Outlet Mall to the transition area. There is no bus transportation from the Outlet Mall to the RecPlex. This means if spectators are with you on Sunday morning, they will have to walk to and from RecPlex.
Transition opens at 4:30am on Sunday morning. (This is a half hour earlier than usual.)
Parking is NOT at the Greyhound Track. There are three parking areas:
1. Prime Outlet Mall – I-94 and Hwy 165. Remember, no bus service from here.
2. Behind the Fire Station off Hwy C. Directions: Exit I-94 at Hwy 50 and go east. After passing the large hospital with construction on your right, turn right at the traffic light for Hwy H. Follow the road south; at the curve, Hwy H turns to the left and Hwy C (Wilmont Rd) continues straight. Go straight and take the first left after it becomes Wilmot Rd into the fire station. There will be bus transportation from this location. [MapQuest Map]
3. At the Target lot on Hwy 50. Target’s address is 9777 76th St. (For those in the area, this is the NEW Target next to St. Catherine’s Medical Center, not the old store on Green Bay Road). [MapQuest Map] Directions: Exit I-94 at Hwy 50 and go east about 2-1/2 miles. Turn right into the Target parking lot just past Famous Dave’s BBQ. There is bus transportation from this location.
If you are traveling alone and park at either the Fire Station or at Target, after the race take the bus back to your car, then drive back to the RecPlex and pick up your car. Remember, unlike prior years, there is no bus service from the Outlet Mall. The Trek web site says Hwy 165 and Terwall Terrace will be re-opened to traffic between 11:30 and Noon. I think is might be a bit later than that.
Finally, keep in mind the construction on I-94 from Hwy 50 in Wisconsin to the Illinois state line. This is already leading to traffic jams and it will probably be much worse on race morning. Construction information is online at I would recommend finding an alternative method of getting to Hwy 50 or Hwy 165. For Hwy 50, you can take Green Bay Rd (Hwy 31) to the East, or Hwy 45 or Rte. 83 to the West. Remember though that Green Bay Road is part of the race course so it will be closed from 95th Street to about Russell Road, so you will not be able to use it to get to Hwy 50 from the Illinois side.
For Hwy 165 (to get to the Outlet Mall or back to the RecPlex after the race), the exit from I-94 south is closed. You will have to exit at Hwy C west, then take the west frontage road down to Hwy 165.
To get to the Outlet Mall from the Illinois side, take one of the alternate north-south roads (Hwy 41, Green Bay Road, or Hwy 45) to Hwy 176 (Rosencrans Rd). Take Rosencrans to Kilbourne Rd (which is a couple of miles east of Hwy 41). Turn north on Kilbourne Rd, which turns into Hwy H in Wisconsin. Go north and turn left on Hwy ML. Follow ML to 120th Ave, and turn right. (120th Ave is just before ML goes over I-94, where the weigh station is.) Follow 120th Ave north to the Outlet Mall.
Thursday, July 02, 2009
Triathlon Uniform Pick-up Times
Saturday, July 4: Between 7:00am and Noon at Lake Andrea Beach, during the Trek Tri Training classes. Unless I’m in the water, I’ll be around the grassy area.
Sunday, July 7: Between 7:00am and 9:00am at Lake Andrea Beach, during the Trek Tri Training class. Unless I’m in the water, I’ll be around the grassy area.
Tuesday, June 30, 2009
Sunday July 5 Trek Class - Race Simulation
We will start with a full setup of transition, and then,
- 4 lap swim
- 2-3 laps of the park on your bike
- Run around lake (2.3 miles) or the 5K route (I will mark the road turn-around)
You should try to do this at your race pace or at the intensity you think you’ll do during the race.
We will meet at 7:00am at the beach.
Saturday July 4 Trek Class - Race Simulation
Classes for this weekend are a final tune-up for the Trek race – we’ll be doing a race simulation. Bring everything you need for the race – swim, bike, run, hydration, nutrition, gear bag, transition towels, etc. Everything you’ll be using on the 12th.
We will start with a full setup of transition, and then,
- 3-4 lap swim (I’d like everyone to try for 4)
- 1-2 laps of the park on your bike (try for at least two)
- Run around lake (2.3 miles) or the 5K route (I will mark the road turn-around)
You should try to do this at your race pace or at the intensity you think you’ll do during the race.
First class will meet at 7:00am at the beach.
Second class will meet at 10:00am at the beach.
Open Water Swim Workout, June 30
6:30-7:30pm at Lake Andrea Beach.
Friday, June 26, 2009
Trek Training Class for June 28
We will meet at 7:30am in the south end of the RecPlex parking lot
Remember that the Zion Cyclery Bike Clinic is Saturday @ 9:00am at the RecPlex, in the Blue/Yellow rooms, if you’d like to attend.
Also: if you bought a Tri Uniform, they have arrived and I will have them at classes this weekend.
Trek Training Class for June 27
Bike Maintenance Clinic with Dave from Zion Cyclery: 9-10am @ the RecPlex.
Second Class: we'll assemble after the Clinic and go back over to the beach. If not attending the clinic, plan on meeting us at the beach about 10:15.
Also: if you bought a Tri Uniform, they have arrived and I will have them at classes this weekend.
Monday, June 22, 2009
Trek Triathlon Open Water Swim workout
Trek Triathlon Training Photo Gallery
Saturday, June 20, 2009
Lake Andrea Swim Lane problem
Wednesday, June 17, 2009
Lake Andrea Running Path
The closed section is not part of the Trek or Danskin Triathlon run courses.
Monday, June 15, 2009
Training Classes for June 20-21
- If you are nervous about your open water swim, you can just work on that Sunday morning. I would like you to swim 3 or 4 laps (ideally 4) as continuously as possible. If you need to rest, come into the shallows for a bit – similar to how you can hang onto a lifeguard platform and rest during the race. But get back out swimming as soon as you can.
- For others, I would like for you to bring all your gear and do a race simulation. Start with a 3 or 4 lap swim, then transition (at race speed, no lollygagging) to the bike and ride one or two laps around the park, then transition to the run – down to the boat ramp and back or around the lake.
Saturday, June 13, 2009
I-94 Closures & getting to the RecPlex
Important note if you are coming to the RecPlex from the north: the I-94 southbound exit ramp to Hwy 165 will close on June 15 for 4-5 weeks. You will have to exit at Hwy C WESTBOUND (the exit before Hwy 165) and continuing traveling south on the West Frontage Road to Hwy 165. Please add some extra time when coming to classes.
The EASTBOUND Hwy C exit and the EAST Frontage Road are closed -- remember, you need to use the WESTBOUND exit.
This closure may still be in place for the Trek Triathlon weekend.
Wednesday, June 10, 2009
Classes for the weekend of June 13-14
Sunday’s Intermediate Class should attend 7:00-8:30am. Saturday’s classes (both) should attend the session you signed up for, or which you told me. The times at 9:00-10:30am and 11:00am-12:30pm. If you didn’t indicate a session, then you should plan to attend the 11:00am-12:30pm session.
There will not be formal classes on Saturday. However, for all class participants, we will have an optional bike ride of the Trek course on Saturday morning. We will meet at the south end of the RecPlex parking lot (near the “Baby U” building, where we’ve met previously for class rides) at 7:30 and start riding no later than 7:45. While I’ll ride last as sweeper, this will not be a guided ride so please make sure you either know the route or bring your cue sheet with you.
Thursday, June 04, 2009
Danskin Tri Training Class Registration is Open!
Registration for our Danskin SheROX Triathlon Training Classes is now open, at
Beginner Class
Saturdays, 7:30-9:30am
Class runs July 25 through September 19
Registration #22353-62
$88 RecPlex Member / $123 Non-Member
Intermediate/Advanced Class
Sundays, 7:30-9:30am
Class runs July 26 through September 20
Registration #22353-72
$88 RecPlex Member / $123 Non-Member
Wednesday, June 03, 2009
Saturday, June 6 Classes
Monday, June 01, 2009
Last Tri Cycle Class
We start Tuesday evening open water swims in three weeks!
Thursday, May 28, 2009
Sunday 5/31 Class
- 7:00-8:00 -- optional -- meet on the pool deck for swimming. Remember to arrive at the RecPlex early and enter the pool through the Family Changing Rooms.
- 8:15-9:00 -- meet in classroom for lecture.
- 9:15 -- optional -- meet in parking lot for carpool to open water swimming.
Saturday, 5/30 10am Class
Saturday 5/30 7:30am Class
Thursday, May 21, 2009
May 24 Class
- Driving Directions
- UW-Parkside Trail Map (meet in the parking lot shown just to the left of "Hwy JR" text
- Maps home
May 23 class
Word is that 93rd Street is open and has been partially paved, so we will try to ride the entire course. Remember that afterwards you are scheduled to do a 10-20 minute run (this is a Brick workout). You will need to secure your bike before running.
If you are at all uncertain about the bike course, bring your Cue Sheet from last week (or pick on up from me on Saturday) and tape it to your handlebars.
I have some new Extreme Sports Beans (thanks, Jelly Belly!!) so make sure to take some for the ride or for afterwards.
Thursday, May 14, 2009
May 17 Class
Plan on meeting with your bike at 7:30 on the lake side of the Baby U (the former coffee shop) south of the RecPlex parking lot. Park in the opposite end of the parking lot from the RecPlex, then you can just walk your bike up the path to the Baby U building. There is a deck facing the lake and that is where we’ll congregate. Don’t be late; we’ll be on the course no later than 7:45.
IF IT IS ACTIVELY RAINING AT 7:30, we’ll meet in the classroom and either get ahead on the lectures or do the workout in the spin studio and indoor track.
Remember bike helmets are mandatory, iPods/earphones are absolutely prohibited, and you should have what you need to change a tire. Also make sure you bring a water bottle or two to keep hydrated. I’ll bring the Sports Beans if you want to take a bag or two of those on the ride.
Please review the course here; I am assuming that everyone is familiar with the route so I will not bring cue sheets for everyone.
May 16 Classes
Plan on meeting with your bike on the lake side of the Baby U (the former coffee shop) south of the RecPlex parking lot. Park in the opposite end of the parking lot from the RecPlex, then you can just walk your bike up the path to the Baby U building. There is a deck facing the lake and that is where we’ll congregate.
7:30 class meet at 7:30am; 10:00 class meet at 10:00am. We will be on the course within about 15 minutes, so please be on time.
IF IT IS ACTIVELY RAINING AT class time, we’ll meet in the classroom and get a bit ahead on the lectures.
Remember bike helmets are mandatory, iPods/earphones are absolutely prohibited, and you should have what you need to change a tire. Also make sure you bring a water bottle or two to keep hydrated. I’ll bring the Sports Beans if you want to take a bag or two of those on the ride.
Please review the course here; I will also bring cue sheets which you should take on the ride so no one gets lost.
Thursday, May 07, 2009
Class for May 10
Also, remember that all participants are entered into the Family 5K race on Saturday. Pick up your race number and goodie bag in the classroom between 7:30-8:00; the race starts at 8:30.
Classes for May 9
I will have race numbers and goodie bags in class.
There will not be a separate 10:00 class this week.
Thursday, April 30, 2009
Training Classes May 2-3
Monday, April 20, 2009
Trek Triathlon Training Begins This Weekend
The Saturday 7:30-9:30am Beginner Class is full. There are still openings in the Saturday 10:00am-Noon class.
If anyone in the 7:30-9:30am class is interesting in switching to the 10:00am-Noon class, please contact Karin Brown @ 262.925.6743 or We'd like to "balance" the two classes out a bit more.
[4/23 Update: we also still have some openings in our Sunday Intermediate/Advanced class also. Sundays 7:30-9:30am]
Tri Cycling Class begins Tuesday, April 21
Wednesday, April 08, 2009
Second Trek Triathlon Beginner's Class Added
Tuesday, March 31, 2009
Spring & Summer Class Listings
Some updates and corrections to the Triathlon Training information in the Spring/Summer Play-by-Play (page 24):
Triathlon Swim Clinic and Tri Brick are NOT offered during the Spring session. They will return in the Fall II Session. Sunday mornings will be the Intermediate/Advanced Trek Triathlon Training class.
Danskin SheROX Beginning and Intermediate Training programs are scheduled to be $88 RecPlex Member / $123 Non-Member.
Pleasant Prairie Junior Triathlon Training runs from July 18 through August 8; $40 RecPlex Member / $60 Non-member.
Open Water Swim Workouts with Lauren Jensen on June 14 – please remember that this is INCLUDED in the Trek Triathlon Training classes. You do not need to register separately. The clinics will be Intermediate/Advanced 7:00-8:30; Beginner 9:00-10:30; Beginner 11:00-12:30. Those in the Trek Training classes will have a separate sign-up for a specific time during one of the class sessions.
Danskin SheROX Open Water Swim workouts on Tuesday evenings – we are going to reschedule the last session, originally set for September 1, to a later date.
2009 Women’s Triathlons Prep Camp – June 20 (Prep Camp I) and June 21 (Prep Camp II); pricing is $65.00 RecPlex members /$75.00 nonmembers, per day. There is not a combined price for both days.
Monday, March 30, 2009
Final Swim Clinic & Tri Brick this Sunday
The Winter II session ends on April 9.
The Tri Swim Clinic and Tri Brick will be offered again in the Fall II session. Trek Women's Triathlon training begins April 25 & 26.
Saturday, March 28, 2009
Sunday, March 29
For those in the Triathlon Swim Clinic, if I happen to not make it there at 7:00, please practice (1) skate position, and (2) single & double underswitches, until I arrive.
(The RecPlex is an emergency shelter, so does not close in bad weather)
Wednesday, March 25, 2009
Trek Triathlon Training Registration is now Open
These classes are set up in the RecPlex registration system under “Events and Programs 2009,” Under this category registration is open immediately and are not member/non-member start dates.
After selecting “Events and Programs 2009”, select “FIT: Triathlon Train” and then the specific courses will be shown.
The Beginning Trek Triathlon Training starts Saturday, April 25 and the Intermediate Trek Triathlon Training starts Sunday, April 26. Both classes will be 7:30-9:30am. Cost is $125 members / $175 nonmembers. That includes the Open Water Swim clinic with Lauren Jensen on June 14 so do NOT register for that separately (save your money!).
The Trek/Danskin Tri Prep Camp will be on June 20 and 21. Cost is $65 members / $75 nonmembers for each day. Go to for more information on what is offered each of those days.
The Open Water Swim Clinics with Lauren Jensen will be $40 members / $50 nonmembers for those not in the Trek Women’s Triathlon Training classes.
Wednesday, March 04, 2009
Daylight Saving Time starts this Sunday
Tuesday, February 24, 2009
No Classes on Sunday, March 1
Thursday, February 19, 2009
Notes for Participants in Tri Swim Clinic
- Please make sure you bring goggles and "Zoomer" type fins to each class. Zoomer fins have a short blade and are available at Kiefer in Zion or places which sell swim gear. Without fins, you're going to have a very hard time in class doing the drills.
- We have limited pool time, so you should plan on being on the deck and ready to swim at 7am sharp.
- The RecPlex "officially" opens at 7am, but come early and let the person at the front door/desk know you are in my class. They will let you in.
- After changing in the locker room, exit back out to the main hallway and go down to the Family Changing Room and enter the pool from there. That is the door that the lifeguards open early.
- The doors to the locker rooms will not open until after 7:00. Remember: enter through the Family Changing Room.
- Please note there is no class on Sunday, March 1 due to the indoor triathlon.
Winter II Training Classes
Tri Swim Clinic and Tri Brick start this Sunday, Feb 22.
Tri Cycle Program starts Tuesday, Feb 24.
Saturday, February 07, 2009
Trek & Danskin Triathlons FAQ
Yes, in 2009 there will be two women-only (and beginner friendly) races at the RecPlex in Pleasant Prairie, WI. On July 12, our facility will host the new Trek Women's Triathlon series race. The Danskin triathlon, which has traditionally been in July, has moved to September 27. Danskin is now part of the Danskin SheROX Triathlon series.
How are the races different??
Practically, not much at all. Both races will be on the exact same swim, bike, and run courses, and will be based at the RecPlex.
How will your training differ for the two races?
Once again, not much at all. Our classes and clinics will use similar training principles and we will practice on the courses both races use. Everything in the Prep Camp will be applicable to both races.
Trek & Danskin Triathlons Update
On July 12, our facility will host the new Trek Women's Triathlon series race. The Danskin triathlon, which has traditionally been in July, has moved to September 27. Danskin is now part of the Danskin SheROX Triathlon series.
Trek Women's Triathlon training will begin in late April.
Danskin SheROX Triathlon training will begin in July.
The Midwest Tri Camp on June 20-21 will cover both races.
Monday, January 26, 2009
Trek/Danskin Triathlons Update
At the current time, the Danskln Women's Triathlon Series is planning a Chicagoland race in 2009, but has not announced a date or venue. It is possible that the race could still be in Pleasant Prairie on another weekend during the summer.
Saturday, January 17, 2009
Running Symposium
Wednesday, January 21, 7:00-9:00pm
LakeView RecPlex, 9900 Terwall Terrace, Pleasant Prairie, WI 53158 [directions]
Presented by: United Healthcare and the LakeView RecPlex
Registration: The Symposium is free but pre-registration is requested. Please call 262-577-8725 to register.
- Biomechanics of Running