Wednesday, April 10, 2013

Saturday, April 13 class will be AT THE RECPLEX.

Because of the current crummy weather and forecast for Saturday, I’ve decided to cancel our run on the Kenosha lakefront (Simmons Island to Carthage) and move the class back to the RecPlex.

Half Marathon & Half Iron class:  We will meet in the Blue Room as usual at 7am, then run outside if the weather is acceptable, and on the indoor track if not.

5K Class: We will meet in the Blue Room as usual at 9am, then run outside if the weather is acceptable, and on the indoor track if not.

Remember: Saturday, April 13 at the RecPlex.
We’ll try the Kenosha lakefront again the following Saturday, April 20.

See you Saturday. At. The. RecPlex.

Coach Ken