Prepare for the Wisconsin Half Marathon in Kenosha on May 1st. Participants will receive running workouts with strength training programs and running logs. The training is geared for intermediate to advanced running with some running experience.
February 28 - April 25
Sundays, 8am - 10am
Program Code: 22352-02
Fee: $72 RecPlex Member / $86 Non-Member
Instructor: John Morehouse
The Tri Swim Clinic begins this Sunday, February 28. The class is full, with a waiting list, and we are looking at the pool schedule to see if we can add another class.
Reminder to all participants: bring “Zoomer
” type fins to each class session, including this Sunday. These are the swim fins with short blades – not the long blades like skin and scuba divers wear. “Zoomer” is a brand name; this type of fin is made by a number of different companies. Just make sure to get the short bladed swim fins. These fins are available at Kiefer in Zion (off Hwy 173, east of Green Bay Rd), and other retailers who carry swim gear.
Registration for Winter II Triathlon class is now open for RecPlex members. Non-member registration opens Tuesday, February 16. Register by the end of the day on Thursday, February 18 and receive $5 off the program fee.
Triathlon Swim Clinic - last class session before Fall - Sundays, 7:00-8:00am, Feb 28 through April 25. $23 RecPlex Members / $37 Non-Members
Tri Brick - last class session before Fall - Sundays, 8:80-10:00am, Feb 28 through April 25. $23 RecPlex Members / $37 Non-Members
Triathlon Cycling - Thursdays, 7:00-8:00pm, Feb 25 through April 22. $26 RecPlex Members / $42 Non-Members
Registration is now open for the Danskin Triathlon at Pleasant Prairie on August 22. Download a registration form here, or register online.
Reminder: Tri Swim Clinic and Tri Brick class resume this Sunday, Feb 6
Congratulations to Bill Gilmore and Jodi Staral, overall winners in the RecPlex Indoor Triathlon #1 on January 31. Overall Results and Age Group Results have been posted.
Next race is Sunday, March 7.